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> Parts Cleaners - New to the concept, Very confusing - Tide Pods? Really?
post Feb 3 2025, 07:44 PM
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I started cleaning parts. In the old days: Coffee Can, gas or similar, let it sit, pour it out and done.

My sons bought me a ultrasonic heated parts cleaner - 1/2 gallon size.

It came with mysterious white powder, not sure it does anything,

I then watched a video on the best agent to put in your ultrasonic parts cleaner, price vs. effectiveness and the winner was Tide Pods!

For 914 re builders - what do you use to get the best parts results - grime and rust are our enemies.

What should I use for my 914 parts! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)
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post Feb 3 2025, 08:05 PM
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We use a heated parts washer that can hold an engine case or complete transmission, then a 20 gallon ultrasonic that can also hold an engine case. Then rinsed and blown dry with compressed air.
Doing it by hand, a pressure washer, heavy duty soap, brake clean, scrub brush, etc.
sealing surfaces get scotch bright no matter how it gets cleaned.
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post Feb 3 2025, 08:31 PM
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I have a similar setup to yours. I typically use some industrial cleaner… Zep or one of those you can get at the local Home Depot. I use a biodegradable product. Something with a degreaser. I might use a cup full each time with water. There’s a fill line and you need to keep it full… add water as needed. The heat does most of the work. Sometimes I run a part several 90 minute cycles. I might pull it out and use a stiff brush to knock off a layer as it goes. The parts are hot… so towels or a grabber to pull them out is needed.

Anything that is painted … the paint falls right off. Parts come mostly clean… sometimes I use a sharp blade or tool to get dirt from the corners.

Dry and blow things off when done and lube if needed.
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post Feb 4 2025, 09:04 AM
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Give the Pods a try. Should work. Pretty much all you need is a good surfactant. Tide pods will provide that as would pretty much any old dish soap. It is the mechanical action of the bubbles formed ultrasonically at the surfaces that do the work. Could add some TSP for good measure. These days there is a TSP alternative available at Home Depot that should work.

Be a bit careful with old magnesium in the ultrasonic cleaner. Too much time in there can cause some pitting on old mag parts.
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post Feb 4 2025, 09:22 AM
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QUOTE(gereed75 @ Feb 4 2025, 10:04 AM) *

Give the Pods a try. Should work. Pretty much all you need is a good surfactant. Tide pods will provide that as would pretty much any old dish soap. It is the mechanical action of the bubbles formed ultrasonically at the surfaces that do the work. Could add some TSP for good measure. These days there is a TSP alternative available at Home Depot that should work.

Be a bit careful with old magnesium in the ultrasonic cleaner. Too much time in there can cause some pitting on old mag parts.

Is there a need for a grit level for cleaning? The "white powder" has a bit of grittiness to it.
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post Feb 4 2025, 09:34 AM
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QUOTE(ctc911ctc @ Feb 3 2025, 05:44 PM) *

For 914 re builders - what do you use to get the best parts results - grime and rust are our enemies.

What should I use for my 914 parts! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/confused24.gif)

If you're trying to do variety of parts on limited space and budget, here's where I landed. I stripped down our entire 356 using mostly this for clean up of grease and gunk. Not paint prep though:
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post Feb 4 2025, 11:49 AM
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I have found that Dawn dishwashing liquid soap works the best for simply removing oil and grease from parts. Just add some to hot water and let it go to work.
If you a Harbor Freight ultrasonic parts cleaner, be careful because they can get overheated if you use them continuously.
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post Feb 4 2025, 12:39 PM
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QUOTE(914sgofast2 @ Feb 4 2025, 12:49 PM) *

I have found that Dawn dishwashing liquid soap works the best for simply removing oil and grease from parts. Just add some to hot water and let it go to work.
If you a Harbor Freight ultrasonic parts cleaner, be careful because they can get overheated if you use them continuously.

cleans ducks too

I have also found Dawn cleans everything, including your hair if/when it gets drenched with gear oil
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post Feb 4 2025, 02:19 PM
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The chemical composition of Dawn has changed over the years.

The BEST was the original first "Dawn" alone. It's one of a few surfactants than can easily remove wax...

Perfect for if you want to remove EVERYTHING!

I haven't been able to find "original" for years.

What I did come up with was an "industrial" version at Sams club in 1-gallon bottles.

It's labeled "Dawn Professional" and seems to be the original stuff.

Some of the other Dawn concoctions don't work well at all.
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post Feb 4 2025, 02:47 PM
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You can buy dawn professional on Amazon. Not cheap. Best tip I can give is the hotter the water the better.
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post Feb 4 2025, 06:14 PM
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For grime:

'Purple Power' industrial degreaser (pro tip, also about the best thing ever for removing antiperspirant stains).
Plus hot water and elbow grease.
Maybe I'll one day get a big ultrasonic bath.

For rust:


Its really as good as everyone says and no it's not an acid or similar in performance to any of the acids.
Probably works even better in a heated ultrasonic bath.

You can also make your own knock-off evapo-rust with chemicals from Amazon, if you need large amounts. There's a youtube out there explaining that.

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post Feb 4 2025, 07:11 PM
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Chimp Sanctuary NW. Check it out.

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The tide pods will dissolve better in hot water, just like a dishwasher. Start hot until dissolved and temper it cooler water.
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post Feb 4 2025, 07:15 PM
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I believe the Purple Power and its variants are lye based.

OMG does Lye work on grease!

I use Oven Cleaner (stronger lye) on ANY cast iron part, especially engine blocks.

Nothing works better!

Lye based products will stain aluminum. At higher concentrations it will EAT aluminum.

Be cautious and pretest before using a Lye based product on anything non-ferrous.
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post Feb 4 2025, 11:49 PM
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QUOTE(technicalninja @ Feb 4 2025, 05:15 PM) *

I believe the Purple Power and its variants are lye based.

No, its a modern surfactant. Lye is sodium hydroxide, which would have destroyed my cotton T-shirts and my skin. Its seriously nasty stuff.
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post Feb 5 2025, 06:30 AM
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QUOTE(TheRuttmeister @ Feb 5 2025, 01:49 AM) *

QUOTE(technicalninja @ Feb 4 2025, 05:15 PM) *

I believe the Purple Power and its variants are lye based.

No, its a modern surfactant. Lye is sodium hydroxide, which would have destroyed my cotton T-shirts and my skin. Its seriously nasty stuff.

Both lye and purple power are 13 pH and are strong enough to strip anodizing off Aluminum. There is a warning on Purple Power bottle label not to use on aluminum wheels because of its ability to strip anodizing.

Beware. Look at MSDS sheets if you aren’t sure what you are using. It will list pH.
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